Leak Inspection & Emergency

Roofing In Renton

Roof repair team fixing a leak on a commercial building Roofing Maintenance Tips
Roof drain repair to address leak issue. The drain has been patched and properly sealed to prevent future leaks. Roofing Maintenance Tips
Professional leak repair team fixing a damaged roof, preventing water damage to the building's interior.

Roofing In Renton

The owners of a multi-unit residential building had been dealing with persistent roof leak in renton for some time. Despite repeated patching and repairs, the leaks continued to cause damage to the building and its units. The owners were aware that a full roof replacement was necessary, but were concerned about the cost, timeline, and impact on their tenants. The leaks were causing mold growth and other damage, leading to costly repairs and maintenance.

The Team Worked Efficiently And Effectively

Our commercial roofing team arrived on the job site, ready to tackle the complex issue. The team quickly assessed the situation, identifying the root cause of the leaks and the necessary repairs. The team replaced the entire flashing system, which had been the source of the leaks. Despite the complexity of the project, the team worked efficiently and effectively, minimizing the impact on the tenants and the building

After Leak In Renton

The owners were thrilled with the results of the roof replacement. The leaks were gone, and the building was protected from future water damage. The new roof not only looked great, but also came with a warranty, providing peace of mind for the owners. The roofing team had done a fantastic job, completing the project on time and within budget. The owners could now focus on running their building, knowing that their roofing worries were behind them. Their tenants could also enjoy their units in a safe and protected environment, free from the worries of leaks and damage.

A team of skilled roofing technicians fixing a leak in a commercial building, ensuring a secure and weather-tight structure
Residential Roof
Picture of a successful leak repair, showing a professional patch job with seamless integration into the roof surface. The repair ensures protection from future water damage and enhances the overall appearance of the building

Workmanship you can trust, reliability you can count on.

Address: 4730 University Way NE Suite 104, PMB 2914, Seattle, WA 98105

Phone: (206) 538-8545

Email: contact@traderoofing.com

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